Top 10 Hiragana Words Every Japanese Learner Should Know
Once you’ve learned Hiragana (ひらがな), the next step is reading real words. Recognizing common Hiragana words early on improves fluency and builds your foundation for learning Japanese.
In this guide, we’ll cover 10 essential Hiragana words that beginners should master first—along with tips on how to practice them effectively.
1. こんにちは (Konnichiwa) – Hello
📌 Pronunciation: kohn-nee-chee-wah
✅ Why It’s Important:
- One of the most common Japanese greetings.
- Used during the daytime.
🔹 Example Sentence:
こんにちは!はじめまして。 (Konnichiwa! Hajimemashite.)
"Hello! Nice to meet you."
2. ありがとう (Arigatou) – Thank You
📌 Pronunciation: ah-ree-gah-toh
✅ Why It’s Important:
- A basic phrase for politeness in Japanese.
🔹 Example Sentence:
ありがとう、たすかりました! (Arigatou, tasukarimashita!)
"Thank you, that really helped!"
3. さようなら (Sayounara) – Goodbye
📌 Pronunciation: sah-yohh-nah-rah
✅ Why It’s Important:
- A formal way to say goodbye.
- Used when you won’t see someone for a while.
🔹 Example Sentence:
さようなら、またね! (Sayounara, mata ne!)
"Goodbye, see you later!"
4. すし (Sushi) – Sushi 🍣
📌 Pronunciation: soo-shee
✅ Why It’s Important:
- One of the most famous Japanese foods.
- Often seen in restaurant menus.
🔹 Example Sentence:
すしがだいすきです! (Sushi ga daisuki desu!)
"I love sushi!"
5. ねこ (Neko) – Cat 🐱
📌 Pronunciation: neh-koh
✅ Why It’s Important:
- A simple yet commonly used word.
- Helps you recognize Hiragana’s “ko” (こ) sound in other words.
🔹 Example Sentence:
ねこはかわいいですね。 (Neko wa kawaii desu ne.)
"Cats are cute, aren’t they?"
6. みず (Mizu) – Water 💧
📌 Pronunciation: mee-zoo
✅ Why It’s Important:
- An essential word for ordering drinks in Japan.
🔹 Example Sentence:
みずをください。 (Mizu o kudasai.)
"Please give me water."
7. はい / いいえ (Hai / Iie) – Yes / No
📌 Pronunciation: hai / ee-eh
✅ Why It’s Important:
- Basic yes/no responses for conversations.
🔹 Example Sentences:
はい、わかりました! (Hai, wakarimashita!)
"Yes, I understand!"
いいえ、大丈夫です。 (Iie, daijoubu desu.)
"No, I’m fine."
8. たこ (Tako) – Octopus 🐙
📌 Pronunciation: tah-koh
✅ Why It’s Important:
- Used in many Japanese foods (e.g., Takoyaki – たこ焼き).
🔹 Example Sentence:
たこやきがすきです。 (Takoyaki ga suki desu.)
"I like takoyaki (octopus balls)."
9. やさい (Yasai) – Vegetables 🥦
📌 Pronunciation: yah-sah-ee
✅ Why It’s Important:
- Helps with reading Japanese menus.
🔹 Example Sentence:
やさいをたくさんたべます。 (Yasai o takusan tabemasu.)
"I eat a lot of vegetables."
10. ともだち (Tomodachi) – Friend 👬
📌 Pronunciation: toh-moh-dah-chee
✅ Why It’s Important:
- A commonly used social word.
🔹 Example Sentence:
ともだちとあそびます。 (Tomodachi to asobimasu.)
"I hang out with my friends."
How to Practice These Hiragana Words Efficiently
✅ Use Flashcards for Memorization
- Flashcards reinforce word recognition and improve recall.
- VerbaCard’s Hiragana Flashcards help with spaced repetition, so you learn words faster.
✅ Practice Writing the Words
- Writing improves retention and helps with stroke order.
- Try copying each word five times in a notebook.
✅ Read Simple Sentences in Hiragana
- Find children’s books, beginner texts, or Hiragana-only articles.
- Try reading and understanding full sentences without romaji.
Conclusion: Start Using These Hiragana Words Today!
These 10 essential Hiragana words will help you build confidence in reading, writing, and speaking Japanese. By learning them early on, you’ll recognize common patterns and expand your vocabulary faster.
🚀 Want to master Hiragana even faster?
Get VerbaCard’s Hiragana Flashcards for an easy, structured way to learn Hiragana and build vocabulary!
👉 Start your Hiragana journey today!